Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Peace On Earth

At the time of the Savior's birth, angels heralded His birth by saying, among other things: "on the earth peace." (Luke 2:14) We now have many Christmas carols among other things qhich refer to this same saying, and I'm fascinated by the Lord's birth being so tied to peace on earth.

When we think about the Savior's life, at least the part that we have records of, it would be hard to say it abounded with peace. From shortly after when He began His mortal ministry people started plotting to kill Him; He was constantly accused of violating God's commandments; people attempted to stone Him several times, and at various times His followers either left en masse or attempted to forcibly anoint Him their earthly king. In the end, He died in the most brutal possible fashion as the culmination of a vicious conspiracy. At least to me, this doesn't sound like a life marked by peace.

At the same time, can any doubt that the Man from Nazareth was constantly filled with peace? Even nailed on the cross He had the calmness to ask His Father to forgive the Roman soldiers who were pawns in the plot against Him. I testify that He had a perfect, abiding peace.

These facts suggest to me that the angels weren't referring to a lack of war, stable governments, and prosperous economies when they appeared to the shepherds. I think they were saying that Christ would teach us and show us how to be at peace in the world, despite its imperfections and challenges. This theme was so important to the Lord that He taught it to His Apostles during His last moments with them before His crucifixion:
Peace I leave with you, my bpeace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be ctroubled, neither let it be afraid.
The Savior's life is a resounding testimony of the power of inner-peace. He knew He was the Son of God. He knew why He was suffering, why He was hated, and why His body would have to experience so much physical torture. He knew us then and knows us now; His desire to help and bless us gave Him the peace to complete the Atonement despite pain and suffering whose depth we know not.

The world is not at peace now, and it isn't necessarily trending towards peace either. The Savior's Atonement is in effect now, and His arm is not weakened. I testify that He can bring us peace. He can heal our broken hearts.

1 comment:

Emily Hendrix said...

This is a beautiful explanation of peace.