Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Prayer is extremely important to me. When I was a missionary, the President of the mission taught me a lot about prayer. The main thing that he taught me was to try to express exactly how I felt to God. If something was weighing on my mind all day, then that something was the most important thing for me to discuss with my Father in Heaven. He also taught me that I should be specific and thorough in speaking with God. This may seem like an awkward idea - trying to have an intimate conversation with someone you can't see, but it has changed my life.

When my wife and I talk about our child (that she is currently carrying) it keeps us close together, because it is something that is very important to both of us. Discussing anything of that nature will bring two people closer together. Everything that is important to you or me is important to God. He is literally our Father. He is like the father we have here, except that He is perfect in every way. I know that He wants us to discuss our lives with Him. He wants us to know Him as a Father. As I have tried to pray as my mission president taught me, I have learned more about how close He is to us. I know that He watches over us and that He is in our lives every day.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

I've never met your mission president but ever since you've told me about this I strive to better my prayers. I love this post!